At a time when ethnic violence is spreading in Pakistan..a little story from history on what leaders and people of integrity should do in times of provocation.
'On March 23, 1973, the Federal Security Force thugs pounced on an opposition public rally at the Liaquat Bagh in the Punjab garrison town of Rawalpindi and mowed down some one dozen people and wounded many more with their automatic gunfire, the NWFP turned into a ticking tinderbox. The public emotions were running very high in the province, as almost all the dead and most of the wounded were from the NWFP, mostly belonging to the Khans NAP, the existing ANPs predecessor. Had the enraged cadres of the NAP had their way and paraded the dead bodies on the streets in Peshawar and other cities of the province, the tinderbox would have exploded. But the Khan firmly put his foot down, sternly held back his infuriated party cadres, escorted the dead bodies to Peshawar and had them buried quietly and solemnly by their bereaved families in their ancestral places.' - The Frontier Post January 2006 editorial
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