Monday, 8 October 2012

QOTD: Bhuttoism

 Prologue: 1975 was a turning point for Pakistan, with the sudden death of Hayat Sherpao, Prime Minister Z.A Bhutto decided to assert his control over the troubled NWFP and finally crackdown against the main opposition. This little story gives one an idea of how he treated his own..

'After the dinner, Bhutto called the Cabinet, the governor and MPs for a meeting in the darbar hall. Government servants were ordered out. Governor Ghawas and Chief Minister Inayatullah Gandapur flanked him. Bhutto began his speech by recalling the tragic murder of Hayat Sherpao, how the Frontier was ripped by bomb blasts and the law and order was in shreds. He was heard in hushed silence. Then he proceeded to announce the removal of Gandapur Ministry and replacement of Chief Minister with Nasrullah Khattak. A not a so veiled threat also marked his speech.. You have always co-operated with me in difficult times, he said' but went on to caution them in the same breath that he also knew how to deal with difficult people who caused trouble and violated party discipline. Saying this his eyes glowered over the stony faced members of the Assembly. 
As the members came out of the hall a watery eyed Chief Minister Gandapur blurted and protested to Governor Ghawas that by keeping him in the dark about the decision he felt humiliated. He thought that the governor was privy to the decision but had kept him in the dark. Ghawas raised his drooping head , stood still and  placing his  hand on the shoulder of Gandapur, he said "I swear upon my God that I was also not privy to the decision and that the announcement has also shocked me". Gandapur left the governor house in a jiff. Before leaving he told me that he was vacating the chief minister house the same night and would shift to his hometown Kulachi. It was no empty threat. He meant what he said, called for a truck and hurriedly packed his modest personal belongings and bade farewell to the chief minister's house and also went into political oblivion for a long time. '   - Reminiscences of His Frontier Visits  by Farhatullah Babar - April 4, 2000

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