' Three Taliban entered the UN compound while the driver waited outside. Najib wary greeted them. He offered them tiny, elegantly wrapped packages of Swiss chocolate, joking that they were the only gifts he had on hand. The three Taliban lined up, one after another they knelt down and kissed Najibs handin a traditional Afghan gesture of respect. The Taliban invited Najib to come with them to the presidential palace. Najib enthusiastically accepted.. natural megalomania played into their hands....
By this time the Datsun truck had driven Najib into the palace compound. He was taken into the room inside the Palace, where he was brutally tortuted, castrated and shot....
The reported ringleader of the three Taliban was the notorious Abdul Razak, a ruthless Taliban mullah from between Quetta and Kandahar. He was closely associated with the ISI & JUI.'
- Peter Tomsen : The Wars of Afghanistan page 20
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